On 22 May 2019 the working group meeting for IMAGO-MOL Cluster Strategic Agenda took place at „Grigore T.Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Conference Hall within the project Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the RDI Strategic Planning Documents (CEX – IMAG), financed by Ministry for Research and Innovation through PNCDI III. There were 15 representatives of the Imago Mol Cluster members who attended the meeting.
The event started with the presentation realized by Mrs. Alina Capitanu, project director, dedicated to the necessary structure for realizing the Implementation Plan of the IMAGO-MOL Strategic Agenda and drafting the related project fiches. Potential collaborative projects on health, with a special focus on endocrinology and theragnostics, (onco) genetics, stroke, personalized and precision medicine, antimicrobial resistance were discussed.
Mrs. Carmen Mihai, IMAGO-MOL innovation manager presented several funding opportunities, both national as well as Horizon 2020 grants and international foundations on healthcare topics or ICT in healthcare.
The members of the Group agreed to develop in partnership the projects’ fiches on the elected topics, accordingly to the calls schedule.