Completed projects


  The IASI – SMART HEALTH CITY project ran between 15th of June 2022 to 15h of August 2023 and has been co-financed from the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program (POCA) 2014 – 2020, MYSMIS CODE 151401, SIPOCA 981. The project has contributed to the increasing the capacity of non-governmental organizations and social partners in the city of Iasi to get involved in the formulation and development of the smart [...]

2024-10-08T17:56:31+00:008 October 2024|

Regional Center of Excellence for Personalized Diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (MEDIMAG-IA)

The project MEDIMAG-IA ran from October 13, 2022 to December 31, 2023 and has led to the improvement of the scientific and economic competitiveness of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster members through smart specialization in the health sector. The project has been co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, SMIS code 2014+ 152740. The value of the project was 7,201,405.28 lei, of which non-refundable financing 4,669,367.98 lei. The project has led [...]

2024-10-08T11:49:27+00:0029 November 2022|

MEDIC-NEST – Precision MEDIcine Clusters integrating Digital Technologies for New EcoSystems in HealThcare

IMAGO-MOL Cluster has implemented the project MEDIC-NEST – Precision MEDIcine Clusters integrating Digital Technologies for New EcoSystems in HealthCare, funded by COSME, European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities, as coordinator of the consortium. The other members of the consortium were: FlandersHealthTech/MEDVIA(BE), Hellenic Bio-Cluster HBIO (GR), Cluster De Salud De Castilla Y Leon BIOTECYL/SIVI, represented by Leon Research (ES). Implementation period: 1st of February 2022 – 31st of January 2024 Total value of the project: 626 112 euro [...]

2024-10-08T19:47:12+00:008 March 2022|

Project Institutional building and increasing the visibility of North-East Innovative Regional Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging – support framework for increasing the RDI capacity of the members and SMEs competitiveness in the area – IMAGO MOL

The Cluster IMAGO-Mol implemented a first important project Institutional building and increasing the visibility of North-East Innovative Regional Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging – support framework for increasing the RDI  capacity of the members and SMEs competitiveness in the area – IMAGO MOL, financed within Competiveness Operational Program 2007-2013, Support for integrating enterprises into supply chains or clusters. The project had a duration of 18 months (May 2014 – November 2015), his total value being [...]

2019-08-12T14:22:46+00:0020 March 2019|

AMI 4 EUROPE Project

The setting up of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster was one of the main results of the project “Advanced Medical Imaging on the project, interdisciplinary and integrated by creating a network of Regional Clusters and Development Strategies in Europe”(AMI-4Europe) financed by the European Commission through the Seventh Framework Programme– Regions of Knowledge. Project Consortium was made up of the coordinator – Madrid Network Association (Spain) and 21 partners from 6 countries (Spain, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bosnia [...]

2019-03-25T11:57:34+00:0020 March 2019|

Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the RDI Strategic Planning Documents CEX – IMAG

Starting with 1st of July 2018, North East Regional Innovative Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging (Imago-Mol) the project Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the RDI Strategic Planning Documents (CEX – IMAG), financed by UEFISCDI through the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation for the period 2015 - 2020 (PNCDI III). The overall amount of the project (PN-III-P2-2.1-CLS-2017-0047/12CLS/2018) is 420,250 RON, out of which 350,000 RON is the grant. The aim of the project is [...]

2021-03-09T14:17:23+00:001 July 2018|
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