The IMAGO-MOL cluster participated as a member of the consortium of the North-East Region, mirror region within the project financed by HORIZON 2020, CHERRIES, at the conference “Connecting Responsible Innovation Ecosystems”, between 24-25 May 2022, in Brussels.

During the two days, the representatives of the mirror regions of the CHERRIES project (status also acquired by the North-East region at the beginning of this year) participated in a series of workshops and plenary sessions, together with the members of the project consortium.

The purpose of the event was to discover how the CHERRIES methodology contributed to shaping the regional “common arenas for deliberation”, as a means of identifying needs, as well as how it is desired to transform this model into a standardized practice at European level.

The main topics of the workshops were the ways of identifying the needs in the co-creation process, putting into practice the methodology proposed by the project and integrating the transition management thinking into the Open Innovation 2.0 approaches.