Project co-financed from the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program (POCA) 2014 – 2020, MYSMIS CODE 151401, SIPOCA 981

The value of the project is 423,272.50 lei, of which non-refundable financing 414,807.05 lei.

The general objective of the project:

Increasing the capacity of non-governmental organizations and social partners in the city of Iasi to get involved in the formulation and development of the smart health concept as a vertical of the local smart city policy

 The specific objectives of the project:

  • The development of a collaborative and participatory work mechanism in the field of local public smart health policies between the local public authority, representatives of non-governmental organizations/social partners from the municipality of Iasi, PDL IASI SMART HEALTH CITY until 2022;
  • Improving the level of information for 50 representatives of non-governmental organizations/social partners and local public institutions in the city of Iasi regarding the tools, applications and benefits of the smart health field, in the context of local strategies and projects until 2022;
  • Increasing the degree of involvement of the local community in the identification of proposals in the field of smart health, by collecting at least 15 initiative proposals until 2022.

Project results:

  • Strengthening the role of NGOs and social partners in getting involved in building, revising and monitoring local health policies, with an emphasis on smart health, with the help of a Local Partnership for the Development of Iasi Smart Health City
  • 40 representatives from NGOs and social partners from the city of Iasi, trained in 3 areas: smart health, patient empowerment and the role of local communities in building local policies
  • The development of a set of interactive tools for the involvement of local actors (public institutions, social partners and NGOs and citizens) in the field of smart health, including the interactive platform, digital catalog and hackathon


  1. Collaborative development activities of the health component within the urban development strategies of the city of Iasi
  • The establishment of the Consultative Working Group in the field of local health strategy, with an emphasis on the concept of smart health
  • The organization of work sessions for the development of a portfolio of projects in the field of smart health to complete the section dedicated to health in SIDU Iasi
  1. Training activities in the field of smart health
  • Organizing a training session in the field of smart health (different concepts, applications, benefits)
  • Organization of a training session on patient empowerment
  • Organization of a training session in the field of local public policy analysis
  1. Activities to inform and train the local community in the development of initiatives circumscribed by the concept of Iasi Smart Health city
  • Digital mapping of local initiatives in the field of smart health from public services, the academic or private environment, respectively from the area of ​​the civic environment;
  • Creating an interaction platform with citizens for independent monitoring and evaluation of local health policies and strategies;
  • Organizing a hackathon to generate and collect digitalization initiatives for medical services, the implementation of which will contribute to the achievement of the Iasi Smart Health City objective.
  1. Project management activities
  2. Information and advertising activities
  • Organizing and supporting a project launch conference
  • Creation and dissemination of online and offline promotional materials (posters, press announcements and website sections)