Market research of the health and medical imaging sector in the North-East Region

The present study aims to achieve an overview and a detailed analysis of the health sector in Romania.

In addition to the overall impact on health status indicators that we will present later, the level of which is the combined expression of determinants within and outside of the health sector, the performance of the health system can also be appreciated by its direct dimensions:
• the ability to respond to the needs of the beneficiary (responsiveness)
• equity and financial protection
• efficiency and sustainability

[document PDF*]

*this document is only available in Romanian



IMAGO-MOL Cluster presentation brochure

IMAGO-MOL Cluster presentation brochure, developed within the project “Institutional building and increasing the visibility of North-East Innovative Regional Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging – support framework for increasing the RDI capacity of the members and SMEs competitiveness in the area – IMAGO MOL”

[document PDF]



AMI 4 Europe Conference presentations

[document PDF]


IMAGO-MOL Strategy (revised in 2021)