IMAGO-MOL Cluster will organize on 22nd of February 2019 a seminar destined to residents, PhD students and researchers from its members’ institutions. The event will take place in „Grigore T. Popa” Iasi University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hall of Conference.
The agenda of the meeting will include 1 videoconference with Mr. Associate Professor PhD Sebastian Vaduva, Emanuel University from Oradea on the topic of entrepreneurship in medicine, Medical spin-offs – prerequisites for success and growth potential, 1 session for presentation of funding sources in order to develop research and motilities projects, delivered by Mrs. Carmen Mihai, innovation manager of IMAGO-MOL Cluster and 1 session for clinical cases presentation in nuclear medicine via a videoconference with Mrs. Professor Ora Israel, MD PhD Nuclear Medicine, Rambam Medical Center, Israel.