IMAGO-MOL Cluster has launched a solidarity campaign to help its member hospitals, overwhelmed by the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: Emergency County Hospital „Sf. Spiridon” Iasi, Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi, Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. N. Oblu” Iasi, Pneumophtisiology Clinical Hospital Iasi, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Hospital “Elena Doamna” Iasi, Emergency County Hospital “Sf. Ioan cel Nou” Suceava”.
The medical units need urgently protection supplies (gloves, masks, disinfectants, coveralls) and specific medical equipment to able to fight with Coronavirus pandemic.
IMAGO-MOL makes available its bank account and constitutes a fund destined for the necessary acquisitions where you can make cash donations in RON.
Bank account: RO55BRDE240SV53700002400, BRD Societe Generale
Special mention: Aid for COVID-19 protection!
The information on the use of funds will be made available on all our media channels!
Any amount is welcomed! Together we could be more efficient!
By protecting the medical staff from COVID 19 contamination, we protect ourselves!