Ziua 1 – 29.10.2012
The IMAGO-MOL Cluster: History of the first medical imaging cluster in Romania
Prof. Cipriana Stefanescu, MD, PhD, Head of Biophys-Nuclear Medicine Dept., “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
IMAGO-MOL website – Going online with style
Lucian Nita, IT specialist, Romsoft SRL Iasi
Project of Regional PACS (Photos Archiving and Communication System)
Dr. Vasile Fotea, “St. Spriridon” County Emergency Hospital, Iasi
Lecturer at “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
Development of functional imaging in the North-East Region
Conf. Dr. Walter Build, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
Development of other modalities of modern imaging exploration in the North-East Region
Prof. Dr. Danisia Haba, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
Romanian experience in the medical imaging field
Prof. Adriana Rîmbu, medic of nuclear medicine, specialist in radiology and medical imaging
President of Romanian Society for Nuclear Medicine, Bucharest
Cluster practices – Madrid Biocluster, Spain
Paloma Lozano Gutiérrez, European Programmes Operations Office, Madrid Network, Spain
Cluster practices – BIOMETI e.V, Germany
Dr. Gerrit Hohenhoff, Center for Biomedical Technology and Innovation, Hannover, Germany
Cluster practices – Pharmapolis, Hungary
Dr. Péter Mogyorósi, physicist, director of LaserConsult, Hungary
Cluster initiatives in Lazio, Italy
Valentina Diana, EU programmes and international initiatives unit, Societa Finanziaria Laziale di Sviluppo (FI.LA.S. SpA)
Ziua 2 – 30.10.2012
HORIZON 2020 – The European Framework Programme for research and Innovation. Opportunities for stimulation of RDI within clusters
Ovidiu Savu, External Cooperation Office, North-East Regional Development Agency, Romania
IMAGO-MOL – Drive the future of imaging in Nord-Est Region
Dr. Vasile Fotea, “St. Spriridon” County Emergency Hospital, Iasi
Lecturer at “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
Cluster management workshop
Annika Buchholz, Center for Biomedical Technology and Innovation, Hannover, Germany