IMAGO-MOL Cluster is partner within the project REVERT – taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients, funded by Horizon 2020, SC1-BHC-02-2019: Systems approaches for the discovery of combinatorial therapies. The project consortium gathers 14 partners from Italy, Spain, Sweeden, Germany, Luxemburg, and Romania, coordinated by San Raffaele Roma SRL.
The Cluster IMAGO-Mol implemented a first important project Institutional building and increasing the visibility of North-East Innovative Regional Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging – support framework for increasing the RDI capacity of the members and SMEs competitiveness in the area – IMAGO MOL, financed within Competiveness Operational Program 2007-2013, Support for integrating enterprises into supply chains or clusters.
Retro-prospective researches of functional and structural research for early diagnosis of cerebro-spinal degenerative changes and stroke. Radiotracers uptake mechanisms studies: finding the best molecules to be traced for neoplasia evolution. Research on the synthesis and applicability, by in vitro and in vivo studies, of new radiotracers for PET and SPECT techniques and in combination with structural imaging.