IMAGO-MOL Cluster together with its (“University of Medicine and Pharmacy” Grigore T. Popa “from Iasi / Emergency County Clinical Hospital” St. Spiridon ”from Iasi,“ Gh. Asachi ”Technical University from Iasi,“ Al.I Cuza ”University from Iasi, Strongbytes SRL, XVision, Create Change Association have organized the virtual conference „ Artificial Intelligence: applications and implications for precision medicine benefit”.
The conference took place in the context of the project Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the RDI Strategic Planning Documents (CEX – IMAG), financed by UEFISCDI through the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation for the period 2015 – 2020 (PNCDI III).
The conference took place online on 19th of August and gathered around 60 participants.
During the conference, interactive presentations were made on the experience of using artificial intelligence algorithms in the medical field, starting from the concerns of the academic members of the Cluster (“University of Medicine and Pharmacy” Grigore T. Popa “from Iasi / Emergency County Clinical Hospital” St. Spiridon ”from Iasi,“ Gh. Asachi” Technical University from Iasi,“ Al.I Cuza ”University from Iasi) and reaching the experience from the clinical practice of using an IA application in the field of lung radiography analysis, presented by the Clinical Hospital of Pneumoftiziology Iasi . These presentations were complemented by the perspective of Xvision, the startup that developed the lung radiography analysis application used by the Clinical Hospital of Pneumoftiziology Iasi, as well as those of Strongbytes and the Create Change Association, founder of the IASI AI group, as factors coagulation of all those interested in the development of the regional medtech system.