The Imago-Mol Cluster was invited to present its work and project portfolio at the event entitled “Health Innovation Ecosystems: Meeting the Challenges of Digital Transformation”, organized by the Hellenic Digital Health Cluster (HDHC), on February 29.

The agenda of the event also included presentations by EIT Health Silicon Valley, the postgraduate program ManagiDiTH – Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, HDHC member companies such as Cromar – Lloyd’s Best Coverholder Innovation, Gnomon Informatics SA, HealThink, Neurolingo.

Angelina Kouroubali, Institute of Computer Science – Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas FORTH) described the pilot project in the field of cancer treatment that the Hellenic Digital Health Cluster is implementing together with members BIOEMTECH, CureCancer and CeHA Center for eHealth Applications & Services, within the VELES Excellence Hub.