IMAGO-MOL Cluster has been invited to join the “Ambassadors Network” of DIGI-B-CUBE project (, financed by Horizon 2020, consortium coordinator being Oslo Cancer Cluster.
DIGI-B-CUBE projects aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of SMEs by combining Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing Digital Technologies (CCDT) with the Bioimaging-Biosensing-Biobanking (B-CUBE) industries to deliver market sensitive disruptive technologies and generating innovative solutions that enhance patient-centred diagnostic work-flows, delivered through the improved algorithms for Medical Diagnostics’ efficiency and accuracy.
DIGI-B-CUBE aims to support customized solutions and prototypes by awarding innovation vouchers up to €60.000 for SME’s from EU and Associated Countries.
More details regarding the calls to be launched on 22 of April 2020 could be found here.
We encourage SMEs(including start-ups) from medical, biotech, biopharma IT or related fields: robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech etc to apply for the different types of vouchers which will be available. We appreciate that this type of funding could support the development of innovative products in the context of COVID-19 pandemics.