Hack4Life, Be a Stroke Hero, first hackaton dedicated to early detection of stroke signs and mapping the nearest relevant hospitals for stroke management within North-East Region, was organized IMAGO-MOL Cluster on 15th of February 2020.

Young software developers and neurologists joined their forces in order to deliver in just few hours a potential application that could implement the well-known FAST test: F – face drooping, A- arm weakness, S – speech difficulty and T – time (time to call to emergency) and map the North-East existing centers for thrombolysis.

Upon jury’s final decision, the 4 enrolled teams received prizes from the sponsors consisting in money checks and IT gadgets. We acknowledge our sponsors’ support which made this event more attractive: RomSoft, CGM Software Romania, Innovation Labs and Calemis Association.

A more complex hackathon in terms of length and technical approach is planned to be organized in order to go further with this app development