Are you interested in new opportunities in learning and training? You have an idea for business in healthcare but don’t know where to start? Want to learn how others succeeded?  Which is the impact of new technologies in healthcare? What are the supporting initiatives in the field?

Are you a college, master or PhD student, resident doctor or simply interested in healthcare?

You are welcome to Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship workshop!

The event is organized by IMAGO-MOL Cluster in collaboration with Fresh Blood, RubikHubNorth-East Regional Development Agency and University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T.Popa”  of  Iasi.

Join us, on July, 11 2019 in University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T.Popa” of  Iasi Hall!


  • On entrepreneurship and innovation in healthcare, IMAGO-MOL Cluster
  • Learning and entrepreneurial opportunities in healthcare for you, Ion Gheorghe Petrovai, Fresh Blood
  • Technology in healthcare – Success criteria for win-win collaboration with the industry and global tech companies on technology and innovation, Ilinca Nicolae, Rubik Hub
  • Start-up session pitch – demo session on pitches for healthcare business ideas
  • Innovative initiatives in healthcare – discussion panel with contributors and believers in healthcare vision’ shift

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