An online IMAGO-MOL Cluster General Assembly took place on 6th of August 2020 occasioned the debate of the following:
- approval of the participation and the financial contribution for the project Regional Excellency Center for Personalized Diagnostic and Artificial Intelligence within Healthcare and Imaging (MEDIMAG-IA) within the competition Projects for innovation clusters 2019 within Competitiveness Operational Program, Action 1.1.1 Large R&D infrastructures , developed by the IMAGO-MOL’s cluster team together with the members which express their interest to be involved in the support and implementation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T.Popa” of Iasi, Technical University of Iasi, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, “Sf Spiridon” Emergency Hospital, Strongbytes SRL, XVision, Scan Expert SRL and Pixel Data SRL.
- Approval of new members’ adherence: Iasi Municipality, Gamagim and Thinslices Development companies
- Presentation of the virtual scientific conference „ Artificial Intelligence: applications and implications for precision medicine benefit”, planned to take place on 19th of August 2020.