On November 2, 2021, the meeting of the General Assembly of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster took place in online format.

During the meeting was approved the participation of the cluster in the competition “Projects for innovation clusters 2021” within the Competitiveness Operational Program, Priority Axis 1, Action: 1.1.1 Large R&D infrastructures with the project “Regional Center of Excellence for personalized diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging ”MEDIMAG-IA. Also, the applications for membership were approved for Vrtuality Expert SRL, Skyer Medical Imaging SRL, Arkona Holding SRL, Coalition of Organizations of Patients with Chronic Diseases in Romania (COPAC).

It was proposed and approved the establishment of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster Young Researchers Working Group – IMAGO-MOL Cluster Young Researchers Working Group.

The activities carried out by the cluster between June and October 2021 were also presented.