IMAGO-MOL Cluster is the coordinator of the project MEDIC-NEST – Precision MEDIcine Clusters integrating Digital Technologies for New EcoSystems in HealthCare, funded by COSME, COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03 European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities call.


The project consortium includes 4 partners from Romania, Belgium, Greece and Spain and has the following structure:

  • Clusterul Regional Inovativ de Imagistică Moleculară și Structurală Nord-Est IMAGO-MOL (RO)
  • healthTech Cluster FHTech (BE)
  • Elliniki Enosi Biotechnologias Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etairia – Hellenic Bio-Cluster HBIO (GR)
  • Cluster De Salud De Castilla Y Leon BIOTECYL, represented by Leon Research (ES)

Implementation period: 1st of February 2022 – 31st of January 2024

Total value of the project: 626 112 euro

IMAGO-MOL budget: 209 711 euro out of which 80.000 euro for 3rd parties support to participate to the ClusterXchange scheme

The overall objective of the MEDIC-NEST project is to strengthen the excellence of cluster management and to facilitate strategic partnerships, as well as exchanges between clusters and ecosystems specializing in precision medicine in Europe.

The specific objectives of the MEDIC-NEST project will consist in:

  • Enhancing excellency of the partnering clusters through capacity building trainings, visits and benchmarking actions towards generating added-value support services supporting the growth and competitiveness of their SME members until 2024;
  • Further updating and developing the strategic planning process for 4 partnering clusters in line with the goals of precision medicine, including a comprehensive portfolio of new services, a Partnership Agreement for the Meta Cluster on Precision Medicine, a European Meta-cluster Strategy in Precision Medicine, a Joint Action Plan for Precision Cancer Medicine 2022-2027, including a projects portfolio, in order to strategically support the European precision medicine ecosystem, until 2024;
  • Developing and implementing ClusterXchange pilot scheme through the Partnership MEDIC-NEST Meta Cluster in Precision Medicine, until 2024;
  • Broadening the cluster value chain in order to create added value, enhance the collaboration with local and regional public authorities and build partnerships in the field of precision medicine with a trans-sectorial focus on digital health solutions until 2024;
  • Communicating and raising awareness of the Meta cluster in precision medicine towards stakeholders through a mix of media channels tools, awareness raising events and 1 Final Conference for dissemination and enlargement of the MEDIC-NEST Meta Cluster for Precision Medicine until 2024.

Public deliverables:

Find here all public deliverables of the project  (continuously updated):

Deliverable 4.1 Dissemination, Communication and Outreach Plan

Contact person:

Carmen Mihai
IMAGO-MOL Cluster Manager
MEDIC-NEST Project manager




This webpage was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this webpage represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.