The VELES project partners met on 14 – 15 May 2024 for the consortium meeting, hosted in Larnaca by our partner CYENS Center of Excellence.

The meeting was a good opportunity to present the progress of the activities, to plan future actions and to reconnect with the project partners.

Prof. Dr. Danisia Haba, scientific coordinator of the project, also gave a presentation of the pilot and the first steps taken to materialize the pilot in brain tumors in the North-East region.

Our colleague, Alexandra Huțanu, in charge of promotion, made a presentation of the actions of the package 7 related to communication and dissemination that IMAGO-MOL Cluster is leading.

During the meeting we had the opportunity to follow external presentations, such as those of the E-health Authority of Cyprus on what the new European Regulation on Health Data Spaces means and what Cyprus has achieved so far, presentation of the EUCAIM (European Federation for Cancer Images) flagship initiative within the European Plan for Action to Combat Cancer, presentation of the European Digital Innovation Hub “smartHealth”, coordinated by FORTH, projects of the IMEC organization dedicated to secondary use of data, SHIF-HUB, presentation of the 3AE Health LTD.