The IMAGO-MOL cluster participated on October 24-25, 2022, in the economic mission organized in the Malpolska region of Poland, at the invitation of the North-East Regional Development Agency.
It was organized by ADR NORD-EST in partnership with the Małopolska Regional Development Agency and also included a brokerage event.
The initiative was aimed at stimulating commercial exchanges between companies, including clusters, identifying partners and institutions interested in joining new consortia to capitalize on innovative project ideas, with the possibility of funding from various European programs (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, Market Program Unique, Erasmus, etc.).
The mission took place in Krakow and Tarnow and included B2B meetings between Romanian and Polish companies
From the North-East Region, 2 clusters and 19 active companies participated in the following fields: food industry, wood industry, textile industry, IT&C (gaming, e-commerce, HR recruitment), new educational and health technologies, tourism.
The event was also attended by the Minister Counselor, Mr. Ștefan POROJAN, representative of the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Poland, Office of Commercial-Economic Promotion.
The IMAGO-MOL Cluster established contacts with companies in the field of medical equipment, IT and services as well as with the Krakow Life Science Cluster.