PRO.M.I.S., partner within the consortium that implements the REVERT project, organized on April 26, 2021 the webinar “European Actions to fight Cancer: a new EU approach to prevention, treatment and care”.
The webinar aimed to inform about European strategies to fight cancer, which has become a priority on the European agenda of health policies. The European Cancer Plan, the role of the European Cancer Organization and a regional oncology network in Italy were presented.
Fiorella Guadagni, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, coordinator of the REVERT project, gave a presentation on “The use of Artificial Intelligence in the European Project Revert – targeted therapy for advanced colorectal cancer patients” in which she presented the project’s ambitions.
The IMAGO-MOL cluster is a partner in the consortium and implements its activities through its members: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, RomSoft SRL, Euroclinic Oncology Center SRL (Victoria Hospital), “Spiridon” Emergency Clinical Hospital in Iasi.