IMAGO-MOL Cluster team attended the kick-off meeting for REVERT project, The taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients, financed by Horizon 2020, hosted in Rome during 30- 31 of January 2020 by the leader San Raffaele Pisana Institute.

During the meeting, the project work packages planning were presented and the legal and financial issues related to project implementation were discussed.

The project gathers 14 partners from Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Luxembourg and Romania and will address the issue the specific challenge of understanding at system level the pathophysiology of metastatic colon cancer (mCRC) in patients responding well or poorly to therapies, in order to design optimal strategy for mCRC on case by case basis, with therapeutic interventions modulated depending on patient’s features, with the help of an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)- based support system.