Starting with April 2020, the European Alliance of Clusters, of which the founding member is also the ROMANIAN CLUSTERS ASSOCIATION (CLUSTERO) regularly organizes “morning sessions” type meetings in response to the Covid pandemic 19. The initiative enjoys the support of DG Grow and has continued this year, addressing various issues related to the role of clusters in the green, digital and resilient economic recovery at European level.
At the request of the participants, the session on July 1 was dedicated to the presentation of the clusters in Romania, this being a recognition of the top status that they have gained at European level. The 7 regional consortia covering almost all clusters in Romania were presented.
During the presentation of the activities carried out by the Cluster Consortium from the North-East Region, the IMAGO-MOL Cluster was presented as an example of good practice through its solidarity campaign in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, which was also the subject of Euronews Business Planet, broadcast in March this year.
The July 1 session can be watched here: