The IMAGO-MOL cluster participated, on May 19, 2020, in the webinar organized by CLUSTERO, dedicated to the financing of clusters through ROP 2021-2027.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the association clusters, representatives of RDA North East, RDA South East, RDA South Muntenia, RDA Bucharest Ilfov, RDA South West Oltenia, RDA North West, RDA Center, Ministry of European Funds and Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration.
CLUSTERO, together with the participating clusters, supported the need for a separate financing operation within the future ROP, dedicated to clusters. This operation should improve the situation of supply chains / value at national level in the context of the New European Industrial Policy, taking into account the effects of the Covid crisis 19.
Beyond regional differences in addressing these issues, the seminar was a first step in a regional dialogue between representatives of regional cluster consortia and RDAs.