North East Regional Innovative Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging (Imago-Mol) with the support of its members, North East Regional Development Agency, Gr. T. Popa” Iasi University of Medicine and Pharmacy, County Emergency Hospital „Sf. Spiridon”, Clinc Emergency Hospital “Prof. Dr. N. Oblu”, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, ROMSOFT ltd, organized, on 10th of April 2019, the event “USMED System – solution of teleradiology in North-East Region”.
The event was aimed to present and promote USMED system (Unified informatics System for Managing mEdical Data) and the main conclusions consisted in:
- USMED is a simple and flexible system for PACS connection from different hospitals and institutions;
- Implements the concept “privacy by design” which offers possibilities for data protection against external or internal fraudulent attempts; it prevents massive private data leakage ;
- Implements “plug&play” method concerning adding new institutions in the system
- Surgery Assist: a modern instrument for medical images visualization in the operation room.
The county emergency hospitals and the clinic hospitals from North-East Region, which attended the meeting, have expressed their interest for the implementation of this system for imaging data transmission Nord-Est, extremely necessary in emergency when patient transfer is needed.
In the context of the event successful discussions, Mr. Vasile Asandei, General Director of North East Regional Development Agency has declared afterwards: “I have been very happy today to see that the hospitals from North East Region are interested in understanding and using the Unique System for medical data management, developed by IMAGO-MOL Cluster in medical imaging.”