The second edition of Brokerage Event in Health took place in Iasi, on 18th of April 2019, co-organized by North East Regional Innovative Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging (IMAGO-MOL), along with RoHealth-Cluster for Health and BIORONE-Biotechnology Cluster.

The event was part of EU Initiative, EU cluster Weeks 2018-2019, which helps promote national, regional and local cluster events, and support SMEs growths, industrial transformation and regional economic development. Furthermore, the event was supported by North East Regional Development Agency and Tehnopolis Technological and Scientific Park, as Enterprise Europe Network centers.

Almost 80 representatives from entire country gathered in Iasi, representing universities, research institutes, clusters, IT, medical, biotechnology and clinical studies companies.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Prof. Univ. PhD Adrian Covic, Vice-Rector in charge with scientific research within University of Medicine and Pharmacy” Grigore.T.Popa” from Iasi, the host of the event, welcomed the participants and talked about the collaboration’ potential and ideas that this type of event can generate. The organizing clusters presented their activities and fields of interest, followed by a message from Romanian Cluster Association, Clustero on its mission to support the clustering activity in Romania, communicated by Mrs. Christina Leucuta. Mr. Dr. Ion Gheorghe Petrovai from Fresh Blood emphasized the role of getting connected and setting collaboration between all the stakeholders in healthcare in Romania.

The opening was followed by a session of presentations on internal and external grants as well as other organizers’ running projects destined to support the health domain. First part of the day included also a session of medical or related SME’s and advanced startups/researchers presentations from Romania.

Second part of the day was dedicated to bilateral meetings, a number of almost 100 B2B meetings took place. Romanian Startups in Healthcare contest, moderated by Dr. Ion Gheorghe Petrovai brought in front of the jury and of the participants three promising startups: PediTHEC – a platform for Assistance, Teaching, Hosting, Event and Courses in PEDIATRICS, HipHap – a solution of nanostructured hybrid materials suitable for bone defect fillers and orbital implants of HYNAMAT company and Daignose – solution of AI augmented radiology of LAIF Computation company.

The winner was Daignose application and the prize consisted in supporting its participation at Frontiers Health Berlin, event which will take place in November 2019.