The consultative working group in the field of local health strategy met on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at the Casa Universitarilor in Iași for the third lucrative meeting, with the aim of analyzing and developing project proposals that will be included in the section dedicated to health from the Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Iași.
Also, the proposals developed within the IASI SMART HEALTH CITY HACKATHON that took place on March 25th were presented and the identification of other local initiatives in the field was discussed, for their integration into the project platform that will be launched this spring!
Last but not least, there was a debate about the funding sources for the proposed project ideas and about the budget needed to implement these ideas and find suitable suppliers to meet the needs identified by the GLC members at the level of the city of Iași.
The consultative working group was established within the IAȘI – SMART HEALTH CITY project, a project co-financed from the European Social Fund, through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020, SIPOCA code 981/MySMIS code 151401 and aims to identify local needs and initiatives with applicability in the field of health.