Official launching conference “Regional Innovation Cluster for Molecular Imaging and NorthEast Structural – IMAGO-MOL Cluster”
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Regional Development Agency for the North East in partnership with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa “Iasi, organized conference officially launching the Regional Innovation Cluster for Molecular Imaging and Structural Northeast (IMAGO-MOL) on 29-31 October 2012 at Hotel Unirea.
The event was organized within the project “Advanced Medical Imaging, multidisciplinary and integrated by creating a network of Regional Clusters and Development Strategies in Europe” (AMI-4Europe) funded by the European Commission Framework Programme 7 – Regions of Knowledge.
AMI-4Europe project objective was to define and develop the concept of “new generation” of integrated disciplines related to the field of medical imaging, such as nanomedicine, pharmacology, biotechnology and health information technology and communication. AMI-4Europe was the first project that brought together all key stakeholders to develop, coordinate and integrate new definition value chain for the advanced medical imaging, interdisciplinary and integrated at European level, implementing the first European platform for medical imaging in order to create a common framework for promote policies, technologies and research results in the area concerned.
One main result of this project was the establishment Iasi Regional Cluster Innovation and Structural Molecular Imaging Northeast (IMAGO-MOL), the first cluster of this type created in Romania in the field of medical imaging, particularly important for prospects Region North Eastern medical field. The cluster was established as a legal entity on September 7, 2012 with the founding members RDA, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa “Iasi County Hospital” St. Spiridon “, Romsoft SRL Iasi (partners in the project AMI-4Europe) and Regional Oncology Institute of Iasi. IMAGO-MOL is a non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical, is headquartered at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy and aims at supporting the development said the sector competitive structural imaging, functional and molecular North East of Romania.
One result of this project is the establishment Iasi Regional Cluster Innovation and Structural Molecular Imaging Northeast (IMAGO-MOL), the first cluster of this type created in Romania in the field of medical imaging, particularly important for prospects Region North Eastern medical field. The cluster was established as a legal entity on September 7, 2012 with the founding members RDA, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa “Iasi County Hospital” St. Spiridon “, Romsoft SRL Iasi (partners in the project AMI-4Europe) and Regional Oncology Institute of Iasi. IMAGO-MOL is a non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical, is headquartered at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy and aims at supporting the development said the sector competitive structural imaging, functional and molecular North East of Romania.
At the the conference attended the project partners and representatives of similar clusters in Spain, Italy, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina, city and county officials Iasi, representatives of the university and medical environment, which presented both examples and experiences good practice in the medical imaging and vision North East Region on priorities and future evolution of cluster development IMAGO-MOL.