IMAGO-MOL Cluster organized on 22nd of February 2019 a seminar dedicated to residents, PhD students and researchers from its members’ institutions. The event took place in „Grigore T. Popa” Iasi University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hall of Conference. The event belongs to the series of the activities within the project Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the RDI Strategic Planning Documents (CEX – IMAG), financed by Ministry for Research and Innovation through PNCDI III.
The first section of the event consisted in a videoconference on the topic of entrepreneurship in healthcare and the guest speaker was Mr. Associate Professor PhD Sebastian Vaduva, Emanuel University from Oradea. He spoke about success factors in entrepreneurship, mentioning several information resources for those looking for funding for their projects and suggested contacting universities’ alumni from diaspora, who could support the development of new projects and ideas.
The second part of the meeting consisted in a presentation held by Mrs. Carmen Mihai, innovation manager within IMAGO-MOL Cluster on the topic of grants, including PNCDI III 2015-2020, ERA-NET programs targeting medicine, Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Actions, Erasmus+ Program. The presentation was followed by a working groups’ session.
The last part of the meeting was dedicated to nuclear medicine clinical cases presentation and the guest speaker was Mrs. Prof. Ora Israel, MD PhD Nuclear Medicine, Rambam Medical Center, Israel via videoconferrence. The presentions were held by nuclear medicine resident, Phd student Cati Stolniceanu, Sf Spiridon Hospital on the topic „The usefulness of complementarity of imaging in the NET’s theranostics approach”, Jalloul Wael, nuclear medicine resident, Sf Spiridon Hospital on “Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix ” and Teodor Ionescu, nuclear medicine resident, Sf Spiridon Hospital, on “Bone scintigraphy – a noninvasive imagistic method for early detection of cardiac amyloidosis”.
The session was well received by all the participants, considering extremely usefull the suggestions made by Mrs. Prof. Ora Israel, both on medical content and the layout of the presentation in terms of attractivness.