IMAGO-MOL  cluster, whose founding members are the Regional Development Agency North East, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa “Iasi County Hospital” St. Spiridon “, Romsoft SRL Iasi Iasi Regional Oncology Institute, organized the Round Table entitled Challenges and Match-Making suggestive Medical Imaging Research Event on August 5, 2014 in Iasi, which has the main goal to increase visibility, identifying partners for future research and development of European collaborative projects.

The event was held in the International Summer School “New Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Fingerprinting MR, PET / MRI, Advances in Brain and Spine Imaging” organized by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T Popa “Iasi in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest, under the aegis of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, which brought together world-renowned specialists in the field of medical imaging, such as: Mr. prof. Emeritus dr. Gheorghe Mateescu, Case Western Reserve University, Ms. Ileanu Hancu researcher manufacturer of MRI General Electric Global Research Center, Schenectady, NY, USA, Mrs. prof. dr. Danielle Baleriaux, Erasme Hospital, Belgium, Mrs. Prof. dr. Adriana Râmbu, President of the Romanian Society of Nuclear Medicine .

Chaired by the President of the Scientific Cluster, Professor Cipriana Stefanescu, the meeting included three presentations that have punctuated the essential elements present and future activity of this important medical cluster. The first presentation entitled IMAGO-MOL Cluster – first Romanian medical imaging cluster and the project Financed by EU Competitiveness Operational Programme, supported by Ms. Alina Căpitanu, representative of the Regional Development Agency North East and Coordinator of Regional Contact Point IMAGO-MOL, the synthesized essential data on the card of Cluster IMAGO-MOL, highlighting the ongoing project “Institutional strengthening and increasing the visibility of Regional Innovation Cluster for Molecular Imaging and Structural Northeast, frame-support for increasing the capacity of RDI members and competitiveness of SMEs in the area of ​​Romania – IMAGO MOL “, co-financed by the Sectoral Operational Programme” Increase of Economic Competitiveness “.

This presentation has raised very interesting discussions initiated by the internationally recognized personalities. The prof. Emeritus George Mateescu appreciated the need to implement integrated management of clinical and laboratory data USMED which will be developed by the project noted that a similar system is already operational functionality in the US. Also, Mr. prof. Mateescu stressed that obtained funding does not ensure broad applicability of the system USMED Mrs Căpitanu noting that the present project aims to create USMED system and driving it into the medical partners of Cluster IMAGO-MOL, following future projects to be developed in partnership to ensure the expansion USMED system implementation. In this regard, Ms. Ileana Hancu, manufacturer of MRI researcher at General Electric Global Research Center, requested more information on concrete ways of collaboration.

The two presentations that followed have proposed highlighting areas of excellence in biomedical research in Pharmacy “Gr.T.Popa” and the IT in North East, areas that can be the starting point for research collaboration with potential future external partners. Presentation entitled PET MRI in Biomedical Research, supported by Mr. dr. Bogdan Tamba combined elements of both clusters promising medical and IMAGO-MOL BioROne with different fields, but with clear opportunities for collaboration in the future, both benefiting as a common element of infrastructure and research possibilities Pharmacy “Gr.T.Popa”.

The last presentation The future of telemedicine in the NE Region of Romania, supported by Mr. Lucian Nita, project manager SC ROMSOFT LLC, discussed how certain involvement in the research field imaging telemedicine and IT in general. As stated in final discussions and moderator can intervene IT major medical help, the particular objective is to develop new methods in processing images acquired from the patient, according to medical requirements (the first step is, in this respect, achievement system Surgery Assist in the current project) and images and patient data communication network. These objectives can contribute argue both biomedical research and for improving the diagnosis and treatment. The results will certainly be competitive in the world, and collaboration with other clusters, cluster similar fields IMAGO-MOL will undoubtedly benefit all partners in these large projects, particularly the whole community needed medical whose final beneficiary will always be patient.